Sustainable is development „that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and choose their own lifestyle."

Liquid Energy Liquefied (bio-)gas as a driving force for development and use of green energy technology. Decentralised supply of (bio) liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the southern Baltic Sea Region. (2020-2023)

Connect2SmallPorts: South Baltic Small Ports as Gateways towards Integrated Sustainable European Transport System and Blue Growth by Smart Connectivity Solutions (2018-2022)

GoLNG LNG Value Chain for Clean Shipping, Green Ports and Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea Region (2016-2019)
Connect2SmallPorts: South Baltic Small Ports as Gateways towards Integrated Sustainable European Transport System and Blue Growth by Smart Connectivity Solutions (2018-2022)

Promotion of an innovation assistant "Development of novel methods for the master planning of seaport, airport and logistics infrastructure and areas for the innovative optimisation of logistic processes, an optimal utilisation of resources and the consideration of sustainable measures in terms of an economically, ecologically and socially balanced development". (2016-2018)
Connect2SmallPorts: South Baltic Small Ports as Gateways towards Integrated Sustainable European Transport System and Blue Growth by Smart Connectivity Solutions (2018-2022)
inwl gemeinnützige GmbH · Georg-Büchner-Str. 17 · 18055 Rostock · Germany · Email info@inwl.de · Phone +49 381 2744515
Registered at the Amtsgericht Rostock (HRB13055) · Managing Director: Dipl.-Kfm. Nils Heine